We collect and distribute millions of letters of thanks and support and send them directly to our active, reserve, and veteran military.
Letters Sent
We are asking individuals, schools, churches, businesses, and other organizations to write letters and messages of appreciation and support for our military, past and present. It is our goal to see that our military – active, reserve, and veterans – receive these messages, whether they are serving at home, abroad, or are recovering in hospitals. To get started, read the guidelines on the ‘How To Send’ tab above. After completing your letter(s), mail them to the A Million Thanks National Mail Intake Facility OR bring them to the drop-off location in your town! If dropping off your letters, we recommend you contact the drop-off location first to ensure they are still accepting letters. Visit the ‘Where To Send’ tab above for more information.
Because we get thousands of letters each week, we appreciate you including a donation of any size with your letters or through our ‘Donate’ page or by including cash/check with your letters. A Million Thanks is only able to offer the program through the generous support of people like you! Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law as we are an IRS approved 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with Tax ID# 26-0361789.
Due to privacy and security restrictions, we do not distribute names or addresses of service members to anyone for any reason. We ask that you address the letters generically. Some examples of this may be ‘Dear Hero’ or ‘Dear Troops’. Please do not send us letters that are written to a specific individual. We send our letters to all U.S. Service Men and Women no matter their branch of service. Please note that A Million Thanks does NOT accept commercial, store-bought greeting cards with pre-printed messages inside. All purchased cards must be blank on the inside and the space should be filled with a handwritten message of support and appreciation.
Send multiple letters together in the same envelope or box, but please bundle the letters in stacks of no more than 50 with rubberbands to keep them together. Bundle the letters or cards in like sizes

Only include positive messages. Negative messages will be discarded.
Be creative! Talk about yourself and maybe draw a picture too! Tell them their service does not go unnoticed.
Include your address or email address on each letter you write. Some military will write back to you!
Include a donation to A Million Thanks. We suggest $1 per letter, which helps out tremendously with the increasing cost of postage overseas. We do not require a donation to send your letters, but it is truly appreciated and helpful.
Our troops need to be encouraged. Be kind and use encouraging words to support them!

Sample Letter 6
You’re in our thoughts and in our prayers
We want you to know America cares
Sample Letter 5
Thank you for your courage; thank you for your bravery; and thank you for protecting our country!
Sample Letter 4
I really am very truly thankful for everything you’ve done for our country!
Sample Letter 3
Thank You! for doing a “Great job” and keep up the Good Work!
Sample Letter 2
Thank you very much for your courage, sacrifice and patriotism so we can have normal life at home.
Sample Letter 1
I don’t know what I would be doing or where I would be if it was not for what you are doing.
How To Write A Letter
DO’s Write a positive message! Let them know that we appreciate their dedication to our country by giving them kind words. Please note that negative messages will be discarded. Include your mailing address or email address if you want a note back! Most military love…
A Million Thanks only accepts handwritten letters and notes for our troops. We no longer accept any store bought or commercially printed cards, even when personalized, for our military. Please express your gratitude to our military heroes via a personalized, handwritten letter!
Please mail your letters to A Million Thanks at the address below. You can also bring your letters to one of our local drop-off locations:
Click the link above to receive the address of the A Million Thanks National Mail Intake Facility, where we receive thousands of letters for our troops daily.
A drop-off location is a local business that has offered to act as a collection site for letters. A business must apply to be a drop-off location. To find a drop-off location near you, click on the “Find a Drop-off location” button below. Please be sure to contact that drop-off location to ensure they can accept your letters.
A Million Thanks, Inc. (AMT) is a nonprofit organization that is recognized by the IRS as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Generally, donations to AMT are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. All donations are received by AMT with the understanding that funds are subject to its full control and discretion. AMT’s federal tax identification number is #26-0361789.